Connecting our Conversations
Connecting our Conversations is hosted by the Presbytery of Southern New England, a regional governing body in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This is our space for conversations that push the edges of our faith and help us deepen discipleship.
Connecting our Conversations
The Fish Bees: Beekeeping at First Pres Church of Stamford with Rev. Shelley Donaldson and John Bitner
Won't you bee my neighbor? 🐝 At First Presbyterian Church of Stamford, CT, more commonly known as the Fish Church, bees truly are neighbors! In this episode of Connecting our Conversations, Rev. Dr. Shannan Vance Ocampo chats with Rev. Shelley Donaldson, Associate Pastor at First Pres in Stamford, and with John Bitner, who has been a member for 30 years and served as a deacon and elder. Shelley and John share how they transformed an old garden bed into 5 hives and the variety of things they are doing with the honey. They also discuss how this act of caring for creation and community supports their work as a Matthew 25 church. Plus, learn some fun bee trivia!
Learn more about First Presbyterian Church of Stamford at https://fishchurch.org/welcomeonhome
Connecting our Conversations is hosted by the Presbytery of Southern New England, a regional governing body in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This is our space for conversations that push the edges of our faith and help us deepen discipleship.