Connecting our Conversations
Connecting our Conversations is hosted by the Presbytery of Southern New England, a regional governing body in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This is our space for conversations that push the edges of our faith and help us deepen discipleship.
Connecting our Conversations
The Triple Pastor Team at Wilton Presbyterian Church: Rev. Jessica Jones, Rev. Chris Tate, and Rev. Mark Montgomery
The church is changing. Wilton Presbyterian Church is thriving with innovative staffing and programming! In this episode of Connecting our Conversations, the Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo talks with Wilton Presbyterian Church's triple-pastor team:
Rev. Jessica Jones - Co-Pastor, Pastoral Care and Education
Rev. Chris Tate - Co-Pastor, Outreach and Technology
Rev. Mark Montgomery - Co-Pastor, Administration
Get to know each of them, and how they work together in this unique model of church leadership. Rev. Jessica, Chris, and Mark work the hours combined to equal one full-time pastor. This allows them to focus on their gifts, collaborate, and even take some genuine time off. They also share the success of their Wild Goose Sundays. Named after the Holy Spirit in Celtic Christianity, these are intergenerational communion services where things happen a bit differently... like “passing the peace” with beach balls, or having live animals present to learn about the Heifer Project.
Learn more about Wilton Presbyterian Church at https://wiltonpresbyterian.org/